
So far our attempts to joins Aetna's network have been unsuccessful. But we continue to try. There are several possible routes things can take, depending on your plan.
- Try to go through TLN. Click here to see if your specific plan participates.
- If you have Out of Network benefits we can still file a claim for you, check your insurance card or call the number on the back to find out.
- If you do not have Out of Network benefits, we can file a claim on your behalf, but you'll need to call them and ask about Network Insufficiency or a Gap Exception since there is no provider in their network.
- Check with your pediatric office, several have lactation consultants in their offices or on their staff.
- Prisma Richland offers outpatient lactation, call them at 803-434-5618 to schedule.
Aetna plans will generally cover the following:
- Prenatal office visit(s) at any point in pregnancy
- Postpartum office visits
- Up to 6 visits with zero cost sharing, subsequent visits subject to cost sharing
Verify your eligibility with TLN by clicking here.