
1_Heart_Aetna_logo_sm_rgb_vio (2)
IBCLC Augusta Aiken Columbia CSRA SC Midlands

So far our attempts to joins Aetna's network have been unsuccessful. But we continue to try. There are several possible routes things can take, depending on your plan.

  • Try to go through TLN. Click here to see if your specific plan participates.
  • If you have Out of Network benefits we can still file a claim for you, check your insurance card or call the number on the back to find out.
  • If you do not have Out of Network benefits, we can file a claim on your behalf, but you'll need to call them and ask about Network Insufficiency or a Gap Exception since there is no provider in their network.
  • Check with your pediatric office, several have lactation consultants in their offices or on their staff.
  • Prisma Richland offers outpatient lactation, call them at 803-434-5618 to schedule.

Aetna plans will generally cover the following:

  • Prenatal office visit(s) at any point in pregnancy
  • Postpartum office visits
  • Up to 6 visits with zero cost sharing, subsequent visits subject to cost sharing

Verify your eligibility with TLN by clicking here.