I'm Kristyn Leonard (she/her), International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, founder and owner of Columbia Lactation Care, and mother of 4.
My breastfeeding journey began in 2007 with the birth of my first son. He was a struggle, and the wonderful IBCLC in the hospital, Holly, stood by my side through going back to work full time at 8 weeks postpartum, months of sore nipples (from what I would learn 8 years later was an undiagnosed tongue tie), mastitis, thrush, and a dramatic drop in supply at 4 months old when I took medication I shouldn't have. My goal was to exclusively breastfeed for 6 months before introducing complementary foods and continue until the age of 1. In the end I was able to meet my goals and we nursed for 15 months despite all our challenges. Her support inspired me with a desire to help and support other families the way she had supported mine.
In 2012 I became a Certified Lactation Counselor as the first step towards my goal of becoming an IBCLC.

My journey to private practice started in March 2015 with the birth of my youngest son. I noticed immediately in the hospital that something wasn't right with his suck, but was unsure of the cause, it could have been a lot of things that early on. At 6 days old he was diagnosed with a tongue tie and lip tie that we had released when he was 10 days old. The experience of having a child with a tie, going through the release process, and seeing the lack of resources in our area fueled the drive I now have to not only increase resources, but be a part of the solution for babies and families in the greater Columbia area. I started Columbia Lactation Care in September 2015 and since then I have taken numerous continuing education courses and seen my business grow in ways I never imagined, incluing expanding beyond Columbia.
We added another member to our family in March 2017, when my youngest daughter was born. Despite my wishing and hoping and supplement taking, she was also born tongue tied. The difference in available resources though this time was astounding. I am so very proud of the changes that happened in our community in the 2 short years between those two births.

My goal now is to increase access to care. This means advocating for better coverage and compliance from insurance carriers so lactation care is affordable and accessible to families that need it. It also means filling my practice with more "Holly's." Kind, compassionate, empathetic professionals to help and support you in meeting YOUR personal infant feeding goals, whatever those may be. A week, a month, a year or three; it doesn't matter what your goal is. Only that you are able to overcome any obstacle set in your path and meet it.
Learn what Columbia Lactation Care can do for you. Work with us Schedule Now